Friday, January 30, 2015

♥ Four. ♥

Hi Everyone.

I'm so excited to say that  * {.:Little Stars.:} *  has excepted me into her blogging family! I cannot wait to bring you all of her cute creations!

Today, I'm wearing her newest outfit, coming to February's round of Woodland Treasures! This outfit brings together 2 of my favorite things, Sparkles and unicorns!  Not only is it adorable, but it comes with lots of accessories as well.

Style Card: 

Hair: .ploom. Madison - Reds
Skin: .::Mother Goose's - Alison
Eyes: [Buzz] Faerie Eyes - Caramel
Nose: {ud} Unicorn Faces [red nose] *Gatcha Item*
Shape: Mine ♥
Outfit: * {.:Little Stars.:} * Unicorn TD Comes with Sweater, Skirt, Boots, Leggings, Sparkling Unicorn Headband, Necklace, Candy Ring Pop, and Earrings!) Outfit Coming soon to Woodlands~ (THANK YOU! 

Thanks for reading ! 

♥ Three. ♥


I'm so excited to bring you this post!

When I was little in real life, my grandma would visit family in Korea every year, and when I was 10, she brought me back a hanbok, a traditional Korean dress. I kept it, and wore it throughout the years, whenever my school would have cultural days... and I still have it to this day. It meant a lot to me, so I really wanted to find one in sl. Imagine my excitement when I was store hopping with my cookie, and we just stumbled upon one that looked very similar to mine!

Hair: /Wasabi Pills/  - Suki Mesh Hair - Chocolate
Skin: .::Mother Goose's - Alison
Eyes: [Buzz] Faerie Eyes - Caramel
Nose: {ud} Unicorn Faces [red nose] *Gatcha Item*
Shape: Mine ♥
Outfit: Candy cloud : Hanbok korean green dress -kids (Also has awesome full perm TD mesh)

Thanks for reading! 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

♥ Two. ♥

Hey Everyone!!

Sorry it has been a little since the first post, the very next day, I had a massive pc crash... I missed baseball camp and everything. :(

Anyway! I bring you this most adorable little romper from  ~*Buglets*~! I don't know what it is about this outfit, but I really love it, a whole lot.

Style Card:

Hair: [e] Away - Red 05 (No longer available, but there is still a sale of other hairs)
Skin: .::Mother Goose's - Alison
Eyes: [Buzz] Faerie Eyes - Caramel
Nose: {ud} Unicorn Faces [red nose] *Gatcha Item*
Shape: Mine ♥
Outfit: ~*Buglets*~ TD Heather [Mint] (comes with leg warmers, 
Tights, bracelet, and tights)
Headband: Noodles - Mouse Sweets Ears Mint
Mouth Pocky: .WR. .*Nommy Pocky Stick*. Banana/Rainbow Sprinkles RARE *Gatcha*
Hold Pocky: .WR. .*Hold Pocky Stick*. Strawberry

Thanks for reading! 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

♥ One. ♥

Ohai Everyone!!

You are probably wondering, Why the new blog? Well that's easy. With the new Tweeneedoo out, I want to be able to blog for that as well,  and with my old blog having Sippycups in the title, it didn't seem very Tweenish! Plus, with the new year, why not begin with a new blog! 

So here is my very first post for this blog, and the new year!

Hair: fri. - Lucy.2 - Passionate Red
Skin: .::Mother Goose's - Alison
Eyes: [Buzz] Faerie Eyes - Caramel
Nose: {ud} Unicorn Faces [red nose] *Gatcha Item*
Shape: Mine ♥
Coat: {Lil Big Me} Shabby Chic Outfit  At a new location!!
[also comes with leggings and shoes not pictured!]
Boots: *-[ { M*B } ]-* Minnetonka Boots

That is all for now, but I've got more posts in the works! 
